30 Day Snap #25

Wednesday, 26 June 2013


First of all, I just want to give a little shout out to the Scottish Blogging community. You ladies are all fantastic, and I love what a friendly, supportive little network we have going on right now. I am determined to plan a summer meet up (soon!) and will hopefully see lots and lots of your faces (old and new!) there :)

This week has been a good week for me social media wise. I don't know if perhaps because my birthday is in two days (eeeeeeek), the twitter fairies were being kind to me, but today not one, but three exciting items appeared in my notifications. I got a cheeky wee retweet from Rick Yancey, who is the author of the book I just started reading this morning (and mentioned in yesterday's post!). I also got a tweet from Kandee Johnson, my favourite YouTuber EVER and considering how many tweets a day this girl must get, that's insane!! Had a lovely time joining in with the first Scottish Bloggers weekly twitter chat (fear not if you missed it, it's scheduled for Tuesdays 8pm-9pm from now on, thanks to @SBloggerNetwork!) and we ended up having a chat about our blogging/youtube heroes. Mine have always been Kandee Johnson and Louise Sprinkle of Glitter, so you can imagine my excitement when the former replied to our conversation about her! Kandee really did inspire me to start on YouTube, so seeing her name pop up in my notifications was so cool!

And finally. Probably the best tweet I've ever received. I won't go on and on about it because frankly I'd be here all day, but (as some of my recent posts might have revealed), I love Bo Bruce. Just a bit. And today I woke up to a tweet from her thanking me for ''totally getting'' her album - which she figured out from watching my review. On Youtube. This news still hasn't sunk in (fangirl overload) but it's so nice to think that she has heard me talk about her amazing songs and feels like we're on the same page. This means we're besties now, right? Right.

In other news, I almost put sugar in my soup at lunch again, the sun never appeared in Glasgow all day and my cold has not really improved. I'd say it averaged out a pretty good day ;)

Thanks for reading!!!

1 comment:

  1. the twitter chat was great last night! I'm so jealous of you famous tweets, I totally get how excited you are about them. I got a reply from the songwriter I featured on Mondays music post, was so happy!
