September TV Blog Chat!

Sunday 30 August 2015

Hello all!

This Thursday (3rd September) marks the second monthly TV Blog Chat - where did August disappear to?? So tonight I wanted to share the questions I'll be throwing out there between 7.30pm and 8.30pm BST this week!

Q1. Do you have a favourite genre of television? Are you partial to a comedy, a drama, a teen show or a bit of everything?! #TVBlogChat

Q2: What is one show that everyone else seems to love that you haven't watched or struggled to get in to (no judgement!)? #TVBlogChat

Q3: If you could pick your dream cast for a new TV show, who would you pick? #TVBlogChat

Q4: If you could bring back one show from the past that has now finished, what would it be? #TVBlogChat

Q5: What shows are you most looking forward to starting/returning this Autumn/Fall?! #TVBlogChat

Q6: Suggest a topic for the next TV Blog Chat - I'd love to hear your ideas! #TVBlogChat

Hope to see some of your faces (or Twitter handles!) on Thursday evening - be sure to spread the word!!!

Thanks for reading!


  1. Fab questions! I'm excited to take part in the chat <3

  2. This sounds like such a great chat lady. I don't watch that much tv really so would be the worst person to take part but I hope it all went well. I do love Orange is the New Black though and Game of Thrones and now with American Netflix was thinking of trying Once Upon a Time and Parks and Recreation :) xx

  3. Such interesting questions I've been sat here thinking of my answers haha!
    Charlotte //
