Pretty Little Liars - "The Big A Reveal" Reaction/Discussion!

Wednesday 25 March 2015

Evening all! This post is spoiler free but the video, obviously, is not!

If you caught yesterday's post, you'll know I was more excited about the Pretty Little Liars Season 5 finale than would be deemed healthy.

ANYWAY, I stayed up until quarter past two this morning waiting in vain for it to appear on Netflix. Eventually, I gave up and went to sleep, and got up bright and early today to watch it with my breakfast. I also live-vlogged my reaction, something I'd been planning to do for weeks!

To my dismay, my camera didn't co-operate and the live reaction footage is out of focus *cries*. So, far less of the actual reaction is included in the video than I had planned, but I have a good old perfectly focused (in terms of the camera, not my thought process) chat about it once the episode is over. I don't know about you, but I'm already horrified at the thought of having to wait until the end of summer to find out what happens next!!

I LOVE filming these - Emma and I did an X-Factor live vlog in October and it was so much fun. I'm definitely going to do more "reacting to" videos in the future, and with a properly focused camera too!! Honestly - the gasping, the talking to the TV, the hands covering my face - none of that is for the camera. This is how I respond to television. My dad recently asked if I was talking to myself when he walked past the living room - which, if you don't consider Spencer and Emily to be real people, I was. Anyway, more videos like this coming soon, and let me know in the comments what you thought of the episode!

Thanks for reading and watching!! :)

1 comment:

  1. Great post!! What about Andrew? Cant wait till june..:(
